Collection: Corvus Belli: Infinity: Ariadna

Ariadna was founded by the descendants of the first human colony ship, thought lost when it disappeared into a wormhole. Left to their own devices on a hostile, resource-poor planet, endurance and mettle had to make up for the lack of state-of-the-art technology. Cossack, American, French and Scottish fought each other and they all fought the planet, and from all the fighting emerged Ariadna, where only the toughest survive. Welcome to Ariadna. Welcome to the army.

Ariadnans boast of a great number of features which are common to all of them, such as their toughness, their inventiveness and survival skills, or their automatic distrust of anything that comes from the rest of the Human Sphere. In addition to these characteristics, they also have a common history of struggle against a hostile planet under precarious conditions, which gives them their own identity as a people. However, they are by no means a cohesive nation, but rather a federation of different nations grouped reluctantly under Cossack command.